Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Environmental pressures from EU consumption (report)

A study in integrated environmental and economic analysis - This report, prepared within the broad framework of EEA work on environmental accounts, presents and describes the tool of environmentally extended input-output analysis and illustrates its potential uses. The report aims to: present the tool of environmentally extended input-output analysis of EE-IOT and assess its potential for answering key SCP policy questions; make use of the tool and the latest data available in Europe to identify the environmental 'hotspots' and leverage points in European consumption and production; and identify weaknesses and potential for improvement in the current application of the tool.

The precautionary principle and innovation (report)

The 2013 Late lessons from early warnings report is the second of its type produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with a broad range of external authors and peer reviewers. The case studies across both volumes of Late lessons from early warnings cover a diverse range of chemical and technological innovations, and highlight a number of systemic problems. The 'Late Lessons Project' illustrates how damaging and costly the misuse or neglect of the precautionary principle can be, using case studies and a synthesis of the lessons to be learned and applied to maximising innovations whilst minimising harms.

Current status of European waters (report)

This report is a synthesis of the main messages from nine EEA reports dealing directly or indirectly with water ecosystems or the pressures acting upon them. It is the last in the series of reports published by the EEA in support of water year 2012. It seeks to first provide an overview of the state of Europe's waters and the pressures acting on those waters. It then looks in greater detail at the economic and social factors driving these pressures, and concludes with a summary of the societal and policy challenges that must be met if water is to be managed sustainably.

Vulnerable water resources in Europe (report)

This EU report describes how the natural cycle of water availability is continuously coming under threat from a variety of different pressures like droughts and water scarcity, pollution, and flood risks which all increase the vulnerability of the freshwater ecosystems and societies. Land use, water abstraction and climate change are human-induced changes that alter the natural flow regimes that exist in water bodies.

Citizen science for biodiversity monitoring (on-line)

The value of citizen science monitoring for biodiversity is explained in this EU leaflet. Citizen science is a central tool of most Permaculture Association research projects, so it is great that its value is being recognised so widely.

What will change energy consumption behaviour? (report)

Achieving energy efficiency through behaviour change: what does it take?

This EU report provides a review of available literature on measures targeting consumer behaviour in order to achieve energy savings. It focuses on: Energy efficiency measures and behaviour change; structural factors - such as the impact of liberalisation and the energy mix and energy tariff structures; the rebound effect.

Sentinel landscapes explained (on-line)

Monitoring change, creating outcomes: forests, trees and agroforestry in sentinel landscapes

A slide show presentation explaining the role of sentinel landscapes in monitoring change to forest environments across the globe. This website also contains a number of other interesting presentations about the work Biodiversiy International do to protect vulnerable habitats and promote agrobiodiversity and agroforestry.

Ecotopia: bio-regioanlism, permaculture and ecovillages (book)

ENVIRONMENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY ENGAGING ECOTOPIA: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages

The authors argue for re-orienting environmental anthropology from a problem-oriented towards a solutions-focused endeavor. Using case studies from around the world, the contributors examine the interrelationships between three prominent environmental social movements: bioregionalism, a worldview and political ecology that grounds environmental action and experience; permaculture, a design science for putting the bioregional vision into action; and ecovillages, the ever-dynamic settings for creating sustainable local cultures.