Permaculture Research Digest

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Land management can tackle climate change (report)

New Study Finds Nature Is Vital to Beating Climate Change

Better stewardship of the land could have a bigger role in fighting climate change than previously thought, according to the most comprehensive assessment to date of how greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced and stored in forests, farmland, grasslands and wetlands. The findings are expected to bolster efforts to ensure that large scale protection, restoration, and improved land management practices are achieved while meeting the demand for food and fiber from global lands. Accounting for cost constraints, the researchers calculated that natural climate solutions could reduce emissions by 11.3 billion tonnes per year by 2030 – equivalent to halting the burning of oil , and offering 37% of the emissions reductions needed to hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius by 2030. Without cost constraints, natural climate solutions could deliver emissions reductions of 23.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, close to a third (30%) more than previous estimates.

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