Permaculture Research Digest

Friday, 8 December 2017

Edible green infrastructure (#journal)

Edible green infrastructure: An approach and review of provisioning ecosystem services and disservices in urban environments

Recently published green infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and ecosystem disservices literature have focused primarily on the supply of urban regulating and cultural ecosystem services. Other literature on urban agriculture has mostly studied the role of localized, intensive agricultural practices. The aim of this review is to raise awareness and stress the knowledge gap on the importance of urban provisioning ecosystem services, particularly when implementing an edible green infrastructure (EGI) approach. Authors analyzed more than 80 peer-reviewed publications that focused on food production in urban areas. An EGI approach can contribute socially, economically, and environmentally to urban sustainability and food security. However, such benefits must be weighed against trade-offs, like potential health risks from contaminants. We conclude with recommendations and guidelines for incorporating EGI into urban planning and design, and discuss novel areas for future research.

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