Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Climate justice and climate solutions (podcasts)

Tipping Point - a podcast on climate justice in the Anthropocene

In this series of podcasts, we explore pathways for climate justice in the Anthropocene - a geological epoch shaped by humans. Should we become stewards of our planet or live in harmony with nature to achieve a good life for all? We take our listeners on a journey to find out how we can reach the Paris goals. Through the lens of activists, experts, and scientists around the world, we reflect on this exciting challenge and explore paths that might lead us into a better future.

1 comment:

  1. Loss of reflectivity now accounts for half annual warming and can be mitigated separately. A UN CLIMATE ACTION PROGRAM is essential for progressing the whitening, soot reduction and shading work. The poorest people should be properly paid to do much of it.If the Program is advertised in the media outlets of banks and post offices worldwide, it will be the greatest internationally cooperative event ever.

    It will also inevitably lead to nuclear disarmament.

    Perhaps enough of us could convince the politicians to start this asap ?
