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The Permaculture Research Digest has summaries of newly published permaculture-related research. All items are
hyper-linked to the original publication.
The 'January 2013' archive contains 60 items published in 2012.
Items marked with a # have restricted public access, although abstracts are freely available.
Permaculture Research Digest
Monday, 16 September 2019
Evaluating the effects of integrating trees into temperate arable systems on pest control and pollination (Journal article)
Free full access to article until 26th October 2019 available here.
This review evaluates the effects of silvoarable systems on invertebrate pest control and pollination in temperate regions. The review includes published journal articles as well as unpublished theses and reports, and a few old Agroforestry Forum studies. The paper finds that, although individual studies sometimes vary widely in their findings, on average pest populations (excluding slugs) were reduced by 25%, and their predators and parasitoids increased by 24%, compared with monocropped arable. Both effects were statistically significant, but only when slugs were excluded. Studies of pollinators are scarcer, but show consistent positive effects of silvoarable. A substantial part of the review is devoted to identifying further research needs.
The team are collecting further data so look for future updates too.
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