Permaculture Research Digest

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

IPC India in 8 minutes (video)

The 13th IPC part 1: Conference

The 13th IPC part 2: Convergence

In this era of recurring economic, ecological and societal crises it is more important than ever to conserve and rejuvenate our natural resources! Based on the three ethics of Earth Care, People Care & Fair Share, permaculture initiatives around the globe are striving to create regenerative systems within a wide range of disciplines like farming, building, economics and education that help achieve sustainable livelihoods and secure basic human needs while protecting the environment. As part of this all-embracing shift towards more stable, harmonious, and resilient living systems, the main theme of the IPC India 2017 is ‘Towards Healthy Societies’.

1 comment:

  1. It is essential to mitigate loss of reflectivity now that it accounts for half annual warming. A UN CLIMATE ACTION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAM, directed by heads of state, properly employing the poorest people, advertised in the media outlets of banks and post offices worldwide must be instigated immediately. Everything else is the chatter of people who do not know strategy.
