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Permaculture Research Digest
Monday, 9 October 2017
Agricultural biodiversity and food sovereignty (journal)
There are between 30,000 and 50,000 edible plant species of which about
7000 have been cultivated. 7600 distinct breeds of livestock have been
developed. Fishers
harvest an estimated 1938 aquatic species. Forest dwellers have selected or developed
thousands of tree and other species. Many species of edible fungi, insects, and other
invertebrates are harvested. This Agricultural biodiversity is the product of the dynamic management of
species and ecosystems, especially by smaller-scale food providers,
their families and communities. Working with nature in the framework of food sovereignty, the
intertwined actions by smaller-scale food providers in their dynamic
management, production, innovation, resistance and protest, continue to
give life to agricultural biodiversity.
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