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The Permaculture Research Digest has summaries of newly published permaculture-related research. All items are hyper-linked to the original publication.
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Permaculture Research Digest
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Combining organic and mineral P fertilisers (online)
Phosphorus (P) fertilisers come from phosphate rock, a finite resource . Therefore,
alternative sources need to be used to ensure the
sustainability of food production systems. Organic amendments (OA), such
as manures and composts, can be used, but vary
in the amount and forms of P they contain.
Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) — symbioses between plant roots and fungi
— can enhance plant P uptake. They also
provide other benefits to soil and plant health. In this project, four OA were investigated for their potential to be
used as P fertilisers. The relationship between the chemical properties
of the OA and plant (wheat) P uptake from the OA was determined. A
second experiment was conducted to determine whether chicken litter with
straw bedding can be effectively used in combination with mineral P
fertilisers, supplying crops with P while having minimal effect on AM
Take home messages
Incorporation of organic amendments (OA) into phosphorus (P)
management plans can have beneficial effects on arbuscular mycorrhizas
OA alone may not be able to meet crop P demands.
Combined use of OA and mineral P fertilisers successfully met crop P demands.
Bicarbonate-extractable P gives a good indication of the P fertiliser potential of OA.
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