Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 6 April 2017

New app records your planting and harvesting (online)

the FarmFollow App 

This app is for small farmers and home-gardeners, wanna-be home-gardeners and farmers, school gardeners, community gardeners, gardening services, and anyone who grows food or seeks to grow food in a sustainable way. I made this app for people like me who may not consistently remember every thing we did in a garden season and could benefit from an in-hand reference showing what or when we have planted/mulched/harvested. ALSO this app can help simplify record-keeping processes for Organic Certified growers who are required to track all their garden and farm activities. The FarmFollow eliminates messy paperwork and pulls together your garden story for you, allowing you to learn from your garden’s own history and from the garden history of other growers near and far.

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