Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Bioenergy carbon capture; a viable option? (report)

Last-ditch climate option or wishful thinking? Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage

BECCS is being proposed as a way of removing billions of tonnes of carbon every year from the atmosphere.  It would involve capturing CO2 from biomass burning power plants or biofuel refineries and pumping it underground.  The report examines the different BECCS technologies proposed, and the role of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in this debate. So far, the only (very small scale) BECCS projects have involved capturing some CO2 from ethanol refining, The report looks in detail at the technical and economic viability of the technologies involved, at the credibility of the idea that large-scale BECCS could be carbon-negative, at the evidence regarding the reliability of carbon storage and at the greenhouse gas impacts.

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