Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Crowfunder for perennial polyculture wiki

Apios Institute Crowdfunder  for perennial polyculture wiki

The Apios Institute is running an crowdfunding campaign to expand and improve their wiki of perennial-crop polycultures. The Apios Institute exists to share experience and knowledge about food forests (aka homegardens or forest gardens) in order to fill critical knowledge gaps regarding the design and management of these systems. They are raising $10,000 to complete the development of Apios 3.0, which will revamp their platform from the ground up. Their current Wiki has worked for thousands of people in cold climates—but it is incomplete. Many people around the world have asked them to expand to include other climates. We invite you to participate any way you can with this campaign: contribute money, offer help, or share the campaign with your network.

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