Permaculture Research Digest

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Post-doc opportunity at Surrey Uni

Post-Doc opportunity to study community bio-gas at Surrey University

Surrey University are looking for someone for a 3 year post doc on an EU project - Enhancing Sustainable Biogas Communities through Social Innovation.

It involves working with stakeholders in the Humber region UK to promote community innovation for sustainable biogas production. Collaborating with local bioeconomy and social innovation NGOs and SMEs in the Humber and with projects in Greece and Germany. It needs someone who can get the job done on the ground working with stakeholders, who is into community innovation and renewables/bio-economy and who is a whole systems thinker and able and interested in using new tools from complexity science, participatory modelling and social media-based collaborative platforms.  Although permaculture is not mentioned by name, a permaculturalist with a suitable academic background would be ideal.

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