Permaculture Research Digest

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Forests and orchards for the 21st century (book)

The New Sylva: A Discourse of Forest and Orchard Trees for the Twenty-First Century

In 1664 John Evelyn presented his work Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty’s Dominions to the Royal Society. Its publication marked the commencement of the modern science of forestry. The New Sylva: A Discourse of Forest and Orchard Trees for the Twenty-First Century, is a wholly original work, but faithful to the spirit of the original. The authors strive “to present the art, practice and science of forestry and arborculture to a general public audience.” The book is strikingly beautiful. Pen and ink drawings trace gracefully across the book’s thick pages, depicting an expansive forest scene here, an elegantly twisting branch there. The New Sylva offers an insightful survey of forestry, of forests, and of the diverse ecosystems that call them home.

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