Permaculture Research Digest

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Living with the Land 5) No dig gardening (video)

Living with the Land 5) No Dig Gardening

Growing organic vegetables commercially for over 30 years, Charles Dowding has developed a no-dig method of cultivation for temperate climate gardening. Charles introduces us to Homeacres, his 1/4 acre market garden. Learn as Charles explains the ideas behind no-dig growing, (replicating nature through mulching and minimal soil disturbance), from his various experimental raised beds, as well as the importance of soil. Narrated by Jekka McVicar, broadcaster, author and master herbalist.


  1. The video link seems to be missing from this post. Here it is:

  2. Many thanks Craig! I have now amended the link so it works properly.
    Best wishes,
