Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Ecovllages (book)

Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community

In a world of dwindling natural resources and mounting environmental crisis, who is devising ways of living that will work for the long haul? And how can we, as individuals, make a difference? To answer these fundamental questions, Karen Litfin embarked upon a journey to ecovillages; intentional communities at the cutting-edge of sustainable living. From rural to urban, high tech to low tech, spiritual to secular, she discovered an under-the-radar global movement making positive and radical changes. This inspiring and insightful book shares her unique experience of these experiments in sustainable living. Not only is another world possible, it is already being born in small pockets the world over. These micro-societies, however, are small and time is short. Fortunately their successes can be applied to existing social structures, from the local to the global, providing sustainable ways of living for generations to come.

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