Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Permaculture annotated bibliography (online)

Permaculture annotated bibliography

A really nice online resource by permaculture designer and farmer Christopher Kelly-Bisson; a list of nearly 60 permaculture books, articles and chapters with great annotations including a summary and critical thoughts. The author does an amazing job of digesting an awful lot of reading into concise, clear summaries, setting a standard for me to aspire to with The Digest!

1 comment:

  1. Certain principles related to time and paper management never really change. Even though the books in this list are 'older,' you will want to read the brief annotations and then find the books in your local library or online second-hand bookstore. All of the books were read and annotated from the perspective of an educator. See more annotated bibliography maker apa
