Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Dynamic design for resilient landscapes (course)

Resilient Landscapes, Resilient Futures

The Digest doesn't normally promote courses, but this one is the first ever workshop of it's kind. It is at the cutting edge, starting to teach the material which the 'Resilience' researchers are researching.

The challenges for landscapes in our 21st century are complex, interwoven, and can feel overwhelming. Where do we even begin in such tangled situations of social and ecological difficulties? Dynamic Design is a process that addresses real-world complexity through its approach to landscape design. Combining regenerative sustainability frameworks (Holistic Management, Keyline® Design, Landscape Ecology, Agro-ecology, Permaculture Design, etc.) with important insights from Resilience-science, Complexity, and other ecological sciences, Dynamic Design boils down to a dynamic three-stage process for actively creating greater resilience of the evolving systems and landscapes we design, manage, and inhabit.

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