Permaculture Research Digest

Monday, 12 January 2015

Two international sustainabilty conferences

Alongside IPCUK, two other international conferences may be of particular interest to Digest readers in 2015.

Hosted by Stockholm Resilience Centre, October 7-9 2015 
The conference will gather people from various disciplines around the world to share cutting-edge research on transformations to sustainability, and through a Science MashUp explore the research frontiers in this developing field. The conference aims to build a better understanding of large-scale systems change and fundamental changes in people-planet relationships that can have an impact at scales that match the problems of the Anthropocene.

Hosted by SER, Manchester, England 23-27 August 2015.

The title: “Towards resilient ecosystems: restoring the urban, the rural and the wild” should provide something for everyone, whether working in highly urbanised, ex-agricultural, or natural wild environments. We mean this conference to be as inclusive as possible and are keen to showcase not only the important scientific developments, issues and solutions, but also the cultural, educational and artistic aspects of restoration ecology.

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