Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Benefits of comfrey manure (online)

The Agronomic effectiveness of Liquid Manure extracts derived from comfrey (Symphytum officinale) and tithonia (tithonia diversifolia).

Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to evaluate manure extracts and their effect on crop yield and selected soil chemical and microbial properties in Zambia. For the green house study, comfrey and tithonia plant materials were each used at varying rates. Application of manure extracts increased biomass yield of both rape and tomato, with comfrey being the most effective. The leaf biomass increased with increased biomass of comfrey, while no particular pattern was observed for tithonia. Mixing of comfrey and tithonia residues in the preparation of their manure extracts resulted in substantially increased tomato yield. Furthermore soil pH, P,K,Ca,Mg were positively influenced by the application of manure extracts.

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