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Permaculture Research Digest
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Conference call; literature, art and permaculture
Permacultural Practices, panel proposed for the ASLE Eleventh Biennial Conference, June 23-27, 2015, University of Idaho
Permaculture has become a
truly global movement, inspiring home gardeners and farmers,
intentional communities and design courses, and artists and activists,
coming to refer more broadly to all aspects of culture, and referring as
much to an ethics of life and the living as to principles of
conscientious and efficient design. Inspired by this broadening of the concept, this panel
queries the applicability of permacultural values to the study of art
and literature.
To what extent might permaculture offer a model for thinking about the
slow violence and environmental injustice of contemporary (agri)culture?
How might consideration of permaculture’s design principles inform our
interdisciplinary aspirations? Could permaculture enhance our thinking
of peak oil, global warming, deep time, and the anthropocene? And, to what extent can art or literature
contribute to permaculture on the ground? Please submit a 300-word abstract and a brief bio by November 10, 2014, to both Molly Wallace (wallacem@queensu.ca) and David Carruthers (11dmjc@queensu.ca).
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