Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Difference and inequality in alternative food (book)

Savoring Alternative Food: School Gardens, Healthy Eating and Visceral Difference

Advocates of the alternative food movement often insist that food is our "common ground" – that through the very basic human need to eat, we all become entwined in a network of mutual solidarity. In this challenging book, the author explores the contradictions of alternative food activism by examining the movement through various lenses of social difference – including class, race, gender, and age. While the solidarity adage has inspired many, it has also had the unfortunate effect of promoting sameness over difference, eschewing inequities in an effort to focus on being "together at the table". The author explores questions of who belongs at the table of alternative food, and who gets to decide what is eaten there. Case studies are presented from school gardens and slow food movements in Berkeley, California and rural Nova Scotia.

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