Permaculture Research Digest

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Permaculture International Research Network launched!

The Permaculture International Research Network (PIRN) is launched! 

This week The Permaculture Association is launching what we believe is the world's first Permaculture International Research Network. Our first e-bulletin is going out to around 400 permaculture researchers on Friday 18th July 2014. PIRN has three initial activities; an e-bulletin issued six times a year, a facebook page, and the international soil trials. Currently the network is in beta stage; the full launch will take place in September 2015 at The International Permaculture Convergence in London. Anyone involved in permaculture research can join in the conversation on the facebook page; but if you want to actually join PIRN (its free!) and receive the e-bulletin, please e-mail:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, will this reliance on facebook stop once the site is completed? It would be lovely to have a place to discuss permaculture research specifically, but not facebook! Thanks.
