Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Scaling up agroecolgy (report)

Scaling-up agroecological approaches: what, why and how? 

The objectives of this paper are:
•To contribute to ongoing debates on agroecological approaches and their centrality for more sustainable agricultural and food systems;
•To provide key evidence and arguments for supporting advocacy work calling for the scaling-up of agroecological approaches.
The paper includes four main parts:
Part I explains what agroecology is, situating it in light of peasant and industrialized agricultures and introducing its three interconnected dimensions as a science, an agricultural approach and a movement. Part II clarifies how scaling-up an agroecological transition can contribute to achieving sustainable agricultural and food systems. Part III identifies the main challenges to be met for scaling-up at a higher stage agroecological approaches.The conclusion formulates recommendations that help in addressing major challenges involved in scaling up agroecological approaches

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