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Permaculture Research Digest
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Green tenants in the private rented sector (#journal)
The shift towards social, government and corporate ethics which value
environmental sustainability has clearly embraced householders. However, the private rental sector has yet to
participate in this shift to
an ethics of sustainability. Yet even on such
otherwise arid ground, a
sustainability ethic is being practiced by green tenants. These activities offer both glimpses of a greening rental
housing sector, and a clearer picture of the areas where work remains to
be done. It is suggested that these activities are a form of care for the world, similar to Maria
Puig de la Bellacasa's practice-basedethics exemplified in thepermaculture
movement. The stories of the tenants interviewed also
point the way to other changes needed to enable a
practice-based sustainability ethic to flourish across the rental
housing sector.
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