Permaculture Research Digest

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Mainstreaming Agroecology Discussion Paper (on-line)

Mainstreaming Agroecology: Implications for Global Food and Farming Systems

Coventry University's Centre for Agroecology and Food Security (CAFS) has unveiled its new discussion paper, Mainstreaming Agroecology: Implications for Global Food and Farming Systems. The challenge of feeding the world's growing population without further damaging the natural resource base is becoming increasingly urgent and, say the CAFS researchers, must be met in ways that also allow adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. The discussion paper outlines how mainstreaming the process and practices of agroecology can meet the challenges facing agriculture and food production - providing not only food, but also fuel, fibre and a wide range of other ecosystem services. The CAFS paper has a specific focus on policy implications for the development of resilient food systems - and concludes with "an agenda for change":


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