Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Third International Permaculture Research Survey (on-line)

Survey 3: How do Researchers Learn and Communicate?

The Permaculture Association is happy to announce the launch of the third stage of our International Permaculture Research Survey. Having first looked at what permaculture research is going on around the world and asking people what kind of research they think is needed, we are now looking for YOUR experiences sharing research and collaborating with others.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about this opportunity to bring permaculture researchers from all over the world together and make our work more visible, effective and connected. Keep up to date with the latest developments and learn more by following us on Facebook or via the Association's web-page. To take part in our third survey (which takes around 10 - 15 minutes) CLICKHERE

If you know other people who do permaculture-related research we would very much appreciate it if you could forward this to them to them.

Cat Richards

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