Permaculture Research Digest

Thursday, 16 August 2018

How fast the carbon clock is ticking (online)

How fast the carbon clock is ticking

"In the Paris Agreement, all countries worldwide decided to limit global warming to well below 2°C (ideally as much as 1.5°C) compared to pre-industrial levels. This is extremely ambitious and essentially means that we are tightening our carbon budget. In concrete terms, it means that reaching the 2°C target with a medium probability would allow us to emit at maximum only about 720 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 between 2018 and 2100 into the atmosphere (stand 1.1.2018).¹ However, at present the world is still emitting 40 Gt of carbon dioxide.⁴ This equals 1,268 metric tonnes per second."

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change have produced an online, interactive carbon clock. It allows you to explore different policy options and how much time different scientific thought would allow.